Employee Performance Goals Sample: Senior Project Estimator 您所在的位置:网站首页 project estimator Employee Performance Goals Sample: Senior Project Estimator

Employee Performance Goals Sample: Senior Project Estimator

2023-07-17 18:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

A senior project estimator is assigned the role of preparing budgets, cost estimates, and final bid scope for all construction projects. He or she will build workable relationships with all project stakeholders such as the contractors to ensure that all projects flow seamlessly. He/she will participate in business development and client management.

Other duties that he or she will get to handle are; ensuring that all project costs are up to date, perform supervisory role on all project activities, manage all project schedules, manage and track several aspects of the projects, report all project cost to the top management for review, resolve all cost estimation issues, manage all project cost inventory and negotiate for appropriate prices for all project materials.

Related Article: Senior Project Estimator Full Job DescritpionRelated Article: Skills needed to be a senior project estimator Employee Performance Goals Sample Employee's Name: Title: Review Period: __/__/__ to __/__/__ Employee SSN: Work Location: Supervisor's Name: Instructions Setting Goals: List specific goals in the space provided below each competency under "Performance Goals". Assign an appropriate timeline for each goal as well as numeric or financial terms to measure the goal. Employee Comments: The employee must comment next to each goal under "Employee Comments" with "Okay" for goals which he/she feels comfortable working with, and "Needs Clarification" for goals which he/she believes need to be discussed further. An employee who is comfortable with all the goals can sign the goals at this stage. Summary: Give a summary of the total time estimated for the employee to have achieved the goals. State action plans and specific milestones to track the goals. Any additional comments agreed between the employee and the supervisor should be noted here. Human Resources Review: Human resources personnel must confirm that the goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. He/she must then sign the goals in the "Human Resource" section provided under "Signatures". Signatures: When discussion of the goals has been completed and consensus has been reached, sign the goals and let the employee sign too. Send the final copy to the human resources for inclusion in the employee's professional records. Performance Goals for Next Period Performance Goals Employee Comments KNOWLEDGE OF JOB:

Pay attention to detail in order to avoid missing important points or steps when performing a task or accomplishing goals

Volunteer for extra tasks and projects when one feels they can handle more work alongside their regular tasks

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Related Article:Knowledge of Job: 15 Examples for Setting Performance Goals

[employee comments goal] MANAGING AT TEAM:

Build employees' self-esteem through rewards and recognition or by giving them new responsibilities in order to increase their investment in the company

Foster an environment where employees can get to know each other and understand others' strengths, weaknesses and communication styles

Related Article:Managing at team: 40 Useful Performance Feedback Phrases

Related Article:Managing at team: 15 Examples for Setting Performance Goals

[employee comments goal] INITIATIVE:

Work without any supervision and deliver as per the expectations

Think creatively of new ways to solve upcoming problems in the workplace

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Related Article:Initiative: 15 Examples for Setting Performance Goals

[employee comments goal] SELF AWARENESS:

Ask trusted colleagues for feedback on one's habits, personality, values and needs in order to discover areas that need improvement

Learn one's own emotional triggers and allow oneself to fully process emotions before communicating them to others

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[employee comments goal] COMMITMENT TO THE JOB:

Avoid sadness and depression triggers at all cost in order to remain focused and committed to work

Contribute fresh ideas and suggestions regularly and accept to take risks and new challenges

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[employee comments goal] ROLE AWARENESS:

Keep up to pace with the evolving technology in order to spot new ways that can streamline own duties

Subscribe to newspapers and blogs that report on own company and the issues it faces

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Related Article:Role Awareness: 15 Examples for Setting Performance Goals

[employee comments goal] DEADLINES - ON TIME:

Suggest alternative dates for a deadline if one feels the deadline is unrealistic or try to find out which tasks one can put on hold in order to meet the deadline

Reward oneself when one completes a task ahead of time in order to feel motivated to meeting own mini-deadlines

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[employee comments goal] LONG RANGE PLANNING:

Identify what needs to be improved and what more the company should be doing in order to close gaps and open up new opportunities

Outline steps that one will take to accomplish the long-range plan and stick to them

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[employee comments goal] RESOURCE USE:

Motivate employees by rewarding them for jobs well done in order to boost their morale and prevent high employee turnover

Create a skills catalog in order to make sure that the right resources are available where and when one needs them

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[employee comments goal] INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE:

Encourage tolerance between individuals and groups with different cultural practices and beliefs

Put extra effort in understanding people with different cultural backgrounds and provide a cohesive environment for everyone

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Related Article:Intercultural Competence: 15 Examples for Setting Performance Goals

[employee comments goal] Summary

Sections 1-2: To be completed by the supervisor

Section 3: To be completed by the employee

1. Goals completed since last performance feedback

2. Goals for next period

3. Employee comments

Signatures I acknowledge that I discussed this performance feedback with my supervisor. My signature does not mean that I agree or disagree with this appraisal. Employee: Date: Supervisor: Date: Human Resources: Date:






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